Ruth’s Refuge

Ruth's Refuge helps people fleeing persecution, helping them feel secure and safe in their homes.

Funding from WellMet makes it possible for us to continue to be a source of welcome to our new neighbors, making sure our personal shopping program is available to all our clients so that they can choose what they want for their new homes.

Ruth’s Refuge is the only organization dedicated to furnishing homes for refugees and asylum seekers rebuilding their lives in NYC. We welcome people fleeing persecution, helping them feel secure and safe in their homes as they start their new lives.

Ruth's Refuge furnishes homes for refugees and asylum seekers in New York City. Demand for our services has increased significantly, as we welcome more people fleeing their homelands and rebuilding their lives in our community. Funding from WellMet makes it possible for us to continue to be a source of welcome to our new neighbors, making sure our personal shopping program is available to all our clients so that they can choose what they want for their new homes.

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