Action Play

Actionplay provides people on the autism spectrum equal access to arts and culture.
Action Play

Actionplay just celebrated our 10th anniversary and is excited to kick off their next 10 years with this new show "Total Bummer Summer", which will be our 9th original musical, thanks to the help of the WellMet.




Actionplay is a NYC-based organization dedicated to providing children, teens, and adults on the autism spectrum and related conditions equal access to education, arts, and culture. Through our innovative programs, outreach, training, and professional development, Actionplay strives to build a more inclusive world.

Over the past decade, we’ve worked with over 200 neurodivergent performers in NYC, held numerous audition and self-advocacy workshops, and provided mentorships to countless performers who are currently performing in everything from off-off Broadway to Broadway. Two of our actors made their Broadway debut in How to Dance in Ohio. The end of the season performance is one of my favorite parts of the season and I couldn’t be more proud of this year's AIMS company members. Actionplay shows are always a celebration, so come out and celebrate new talent and a more inclusive world!

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